Bold Scientist: Whole Food for Free-Range Minds

Michael Riordon will be speaking about his new book, Bold Scientists: Dispatches from the Battle for Honest Science. Bold Scientists plumbs the deepening fault lines between nature, science, and power.The book is a quest, to illuminate the lives and work of scientists who defy the status quo, bend the rules,refuse to be silenced, and keep asking prickly questions they aren’t supposed to ask. As global elites accelerate their plunder of a dwindling earth, the battle for survival, justice and freedom is bound to escalate.

It is waged on many fronts, in boardrooms and corridors of power, streets and squares, in laboratories and other fields of inquiry, on the internet and social media, and in our heads. Science and technology are elemental to all of this – the gobbling, the battle, and our heads.

Questions need to be asked, urgently.