Burlington Literary Festival: The Truth About Migrant Work

Join Gabriel Allahdua, author of Harvesting Freedom: The Life of a Migrant Worker in Canada at the Burlington Literary Festival, taking place in-person at the Burlington Public Library.
Gabriel Allahdua will discuss his deeply personal memoir Harvesting Freedom in which he takes readers behind the scenes to see what life is really like for the people who produce Canada’s food.
Born in St. Lucia, Gabriel Allahdua worked as a migrant farm worker in Ontario from 2012 to 2015 before seeking permanent residency in Canada. Now a leading voice in the migrant justice movement, Allahdua is an organizer with Justicia for Migrant Workers and an outreach worker with The Neighbourhood Organization, providing services to migrant workers across southwestern Ontario. He lives in Toronto with his two adult children and his grandson.
More info here.