No-Nonsense Guide to International Migration

No-Nonsense Guide to International Migration

Second edition

By Peter Stalker



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Virtually any commodity can move around the world to satisfy demand, but human beings have far less freedom. Many would-be migrants are forced to risk life and limb traveling illegally. Yet most rich countries are short of workers, have shrinking populations, and need more immigrants.

The No-Nonsense Guide to International Migration is a timely primer to a major issue that is never far from the headlines.


For anyone who wants a lucid, factual, reliable guide to some of the most important issues of our time, I strongly recommend you check out the No-Nonsense Guides.

– Howard Zinn, social activist and author of a A People’s History of America

A well-written and up-to-date guide that will be useful to students, scholars and anyone who wants to learn about migration.

– Professor Philip L. Martin, University of California, Chair of the Comparative Immigration & Integration Program and Editor of Migration News

The No-Nonsense Guides target those topics that a large army of voters cares about, but that politicos evade.

– The Independent, London, U.K.

A splendid new series of pocketable guides to issue politics…rigorously clear.

– The Guardian, London, U.K.


Foreword by Bona Malwal
Chapter 1 How Many Immigrants Are There?
Chapter 2 Why People Migrate
Chapter 3 Choosing the Destination
Chapter 4 The Economic Benefits of Immigration
Chapter 5 Emigrants as Heroes
Chapter 6 The Shock Absorbers for the Global Economy