In a collection of letters written for Lies of Our Times Magazine, Noam Chomsky outlines the role of the media in justifying U.S. government and corporate actions. Chomsky’s examination of propaganda is, as always, incisive.
Letters from Lexington is not only timely but it is also more relevant today given the dangerous path being followed by the Bush administration with its unilateralist, unapologetic, and cowboyish “bring them on” foreign policy.
– Donaldo Macedo, from the Introduction
Reading these letters… one is struck by their high relevance to events today, with a great deal of attention to Iraq, the United Nations and its role, Arafat/Sharon and the “peace process,” “defensive aggression,” the U.S. “yearning for democracy,” its “burden of responsibility,” “anti-Americanism,” and the problem of non-issues and non-voting in U.S. elections, among other matters…. [A] reader would have a difficult time locating case studies of the media’s day-by-day product that would provide as much insight as can be found in this short volume.
– Edward Herman, from the Foreward