Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois was the lead spokesperson for CLASSE, one of the more vocal student bodies that participated in the 2012 student strikes that swept Quebec. He is a regular panelist on Radio-Canada.
Patrizia Nanz is a director of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) and a professor of Transformative Sustainability Studies at the University of Potsdam.
Peggy Nash is an advocate for labour rights and social justice in Canadian politics and the labour movement, as a long-time senior negotiator for the CAW (now Unifor). A former president of the federal New Democratic Party, she was a candidate for leader after the untimely death of Jack Layton. A candidate in several federal elections, she served as a Member of Parliament and was named Official Opposition Industry and Finance Critic. Nash is an educator, a frequent media commentator, a founding member of Equal Voice and a co-founder of Toronto Metropolitan University’s Women in the House program.
Randle W. Nelsen has taught sociology in Canada and the United States for fifty years. He has written extensively on higher education, professionalism and bureaucratic work, and popular culture. He is the author of Fun & Games & Higher Education: The Lonely Crowd Revisited and Life of the Party: A Study in Sociability, Community, and Social Inequality.
David Franklin Noble (July 22, 1945 – December 27, 2010) was a critical historian of technology, science and education, best known for his groundbreaking work on the social history of automation. In his final years he taught in the Division of Social Science, and the department of Social and Political Thought at York University in Toronto. Noble held positions at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the Smithsonian Institution and Drexel University, as well as many visiting professorships.
Emily Nokes is a musician, writer, graphic designer, illustrator, Libra, candy enthusiast, and the singer/tambourinist in the glittery, feminist punk-pop band, Tacocat. Her hobbies include giving pretty good home bang trims, puffy painting, stoned shopping, and taking photos of her son Tinsel, who is a perfect gray kitten. Her work has appeared in Seattle’s alternative weekly the Stranger, where she previously worked as music editor before accepting her current job as music editor at _BUST _magazine.
Catherine Nolin (BA, MA, PhD in Geography) is professor and chair of the Department of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences at UNBC in Prince George, British Columbia. She is a long-time insurgent researcher and social justice advocate, including more than 25 years grappling with the afterlives of the Guatemalan genocides. Nolin has worked with Grahame Russell of Rights Action for almost 20 years to organize and facilitate field schools to Guatemala for undergraduate and graduate students.