Katsi’tsakwas Ellen Gabriel is a Kanien’kehá:ka, Wakeniáhton (Turtle Clan), artist, documentarian, and Indigenous human rights and environmental rights activist living in Kanehsatà:ke Kanien’kehá:ka Homelands.
Dustin Galer is a professional historian with a PhD in history from the University of Toronto. He wrote the first book-length history of the Canadian disability rights movement, Working Towards Equity, and has published widely on the topic of disability history and labour. He works as a personal historian producing family and corporate history projects and is currently working on his next book about the tragic death of a developmentally disabled man and the complicated quest for justice. He lives in Hamilton, Ontario where he can often be found toiling away in his garden.
Samir Gandesha is Associate Professor in the Department of the Humanities at Simon Fraser University.
Oakland-based artist GATS (Graffiti Against the System) is an internationally renowned graffiti artist with work reaching as far as Palestine, the Philippines, and Rome. He is best known for his iconic mask imagery, the intricate insignias that fill them, and his liberatory political messaging accompanying many of his pieces.
Jojo Geronimo works in the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU), with specific responsibility for the educational component of the “Network for Better Contracts” program.
Catherine Gidney is a professor of history at St. Thomas University. She writes about youth culture and students in revolt over everything from vending machines to curfews to war. She is the author of Tending the Student Body: Health, Youth and the Rise of the Modern University, 1900-1960 and A Long Eclipse: The Liberal Protestant Establishment and the English-Canadian University Campus, 1920-1970.
Nicholas Gilby led the efforts of the Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) to expose the corruption in British arms deals with Saudi Arabia. His research on arms trade corruption has been extensively featured in The Guardian, on the BBC and Al Jazeera, and in academic journals. He was previously a director of TAPOL, the Indonesia Human Rights Campaign.